Write Up | TUCTF 2018 - Shella Easy
LLVM infrastructure provides numerous interfaces to meet various requirements. However, lots of interfaces lack clear documents and example code. It is time-consuming for newcomers, including me, to find the ideal APIs and figure out their usage. To tackle this, I will write a series of articles that contain LLVM Interface in titles focusing on the useful APIs for program analysis. The contents of them will be short and concentrate more on concrete use cases than internal principles.
Rizin, which originates from Radare2, envolves fast with neat code style and friendly community. A big step of Rizin is the new implementation of shell compared with Radare2. Radare2 highly depends on switch statements to parse commands and conducts corresponding handlers. The situation becomes worse when it comes to the huge number of commands, which may still grow according to the various requirements of users.
时光飞逝,在研究所已经待了一年有余。历经希望、失望、奋战、坎坷,我的第一个研究工作终于迎来了坦途。四天前我收到来自USENIX Security审稿人的邮件,恭喜我论文被接收。兴奋之感虽比不上“春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花”的孟郊,但用“柳暗花明又一村”来形容确实很合适。
std::vector is a popular data structure for C++ programming and it’s essential to release the memory within the vector when it is no longer used to avoid the memory leaks.
最近几个月里,我向OpenSSL、Linux kernel和Rizin三个开源社区提交了Pull Request,其中大部分都被接受。对OpenSSL和Linux kernel社区贡献的代码主要是对一些bug的修补;由于Rizin仍处在开发的初期,对Rizin贡献的代码则主要涉及到一些新功能的开发。这篇博客主要聊一聊参与这些开源社区的感想。